To be successful at your job interview you have to take many steps. One of the most important things you can do is some detailed preparation beforehand, this includes researching the company and prepping some real examples of how you match the required skill set. It can also help to familiarise yourself with the most commonly asked interview questions. You can practice asking them ahead of time, giving you the confidence to answer them as clearly and concisely as possible in the interview.
To help you prepare we have gathered together a handy list of the most common interview questions below so you can get started right away.
Tell me a little about yourself?
Why do you want to work for us?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What are your strengths?
Give us an example of teamwork?
What are your weaknesses?
Tell me about the time that you failed, and what did you do to rectify it?
What motivates you?
Why are you leaving your current job?
Are you willing to travel?
What hours do you want to work?
Are you willing to work outside of your normal working hours?
What gets you up in the morning?
What attracted you to the company?
Anything you want to ask us?
It's always clear when a candidate has prepared for an interview. When prepared you are less likely to go blank and much less likely to waffle. Nerves can often make you go off on a tangent when answering questions but by familiarising yourself with likely questions beforehand you will be able to provide a clear and concise answer. The interview panel will be impressed with your succinct approach which will inevitably lead to your success.